Cloud Platforms

Amazon Web Services

Want to run your business in the cloud or want to learn cloud for jobs. AWS (Amazon Website Services) is the onethe best and mature cloud services available today.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) released on 11th October 2011 is a combination of services and products by which we can build applications on Google's software and infrastructure.

Azure Cloud Platform

February 1, 2010 ‘Windows Azure’ was introduced as a cloud service platform by tech giant Microsoft later named ‘Microsoft Azure’ on March 25, 2014.

Alibaba Cloud Platform

China-based company entered in cloud market in 2009. First data center opened in jan 2010. Alibaba owns e-commerce eco system is supported by Alibaba cloud. Cloud service offering includes Software as a Service(SaaS), Platform as a Service(Paas) and Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS).

IBM BlueMix Cloud Platform

The combination of the platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is provided by IBM’s cloud computing platform called BlueMix.

Oracle Cloud Platform

March 24, 2016, the day Oracle launches its cloud services. Oracle provides Software as a Service, Platform as a service, Infrastructure as a service and Data as a service.

Must Read Article

How To Launch EC2 Machine

How To Launch EC2 Machine

In this article we are going to learn how to launch a EC2 instance. For this you need to have AWS account.

How to install WordPress on ec2 machine

How to install WordPress on ec2 machine

Before you start installing WordPress on ec2 machine. You must log in into the machine.

How to create a VM instance in Azure

How to create a VM instance in Azure

In this Tutorial we are going to launch a Virtual Machine in azure.

How to install WordPress on VM instance in Azure

How to install WordPress on VM instance in Azure

Before you start installing WordPress on VM instance on Azure. You must log in into the machine. You can launch a VM Instance in Azure using this tutorial. After launch of machine log in into the machine using SSH. If you do not know how to SSH in VM instance you can follow this tutorial.

How to launch a VM instances in Google Cloud

How to launch a VM instances in Google Cloud

In this tutorial we are going to launch a Compute Egine instance.

How to install wordpress in VM instances in Google Cloud

How to install WordPress on VM instance in Google Cloud

Before you start installing WordPress on VM instance on Google Cloud. You must log in into the machine. You can launch a VM Instance on Google Cloud using this tutorial. After launch of machine log in into the machine using SSH. If you do not know how to SSH in VM instance you can follow this tutorial.